This novel plan that integrates resiliency with recreational planning is the recipient of a 2021 American Society of Landscape Architects Planning and Analysis Honor Award. WPI was part of the planning team led by Design Workshop. Read more about the unique aspects of the plan and view other award winners on 2021 ASLA Professional Awards […]

Community Wildfire Protection Plan – Mariposa County, California
WPI led a team to update Mariposa County’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). The team, including Wildland Professional Solutions and Anchor Point Group, worked with a multidisciplinary steering committee to draft new content and develop a countywide risk assessment. The updated plan is organized based on the the three National Cohesive strategy themes—resilient landscapes, fire […]

Wildfire Planning Recommendations – Redding, California
Following the Carr Fire, WPI teamed with Wildland Professional Solutions to work with the City of Redding to identify ways to strengthen wildfire safety. Our team met in-person with city staff, including the fire marshal, planning director, and assistant city manager, to tour areas of the city affected by the Carr Fire. The team reviewed […]

National Guide for Wildland-Urban Interface Fires – Canada
WPI was contracted by the National Research Council of Canada to provide land use planning expertise to inform their new national guide for wildland-urban interface (WUI) fires. Published in 2021, this resource offers comprehensive and practical guidance on hazard and exposure assessment, property protection, and community resilience and emergency planning to minimize the impact of […]

Wildland-Urban Interface Recommendations & Training – Medford, Oregon
In 2020, WPI collaborated with Wildland Professional Solutions to provide strategic guidance to the City of Medford, Oregon on wildfire risk reduction. Specific recommendations focused on amendments to the Medford Land Development Code to address wildfire, a re-evaluation of the Wildfire Hazard Area, and creation of a Greenway Management Plan for wildfire. Additional assistance included […]

Comprehensive Plan and Regulatory Guidance – Baker County, Florida
WPI worked with Wildland Professional Solutions to provide technical planning assistance to Baker County, Florida. Assistance focused on identifying and recommending opportunities to address wildfire through updated Comprehensive Plan policies, new regulations for subdivisions, and programs that reduce risk in the Structure Ignition Zone. Assistance also included an in-depth training on structure ignition and wildfire […]

Recommendations for Subdivision Regulations and General Plan Updates – Los Angeles County, California
WPI teamed with Clarion Associates and Wildland Professional Solutions to conduct an in-depth review of Los Angeles County’s subdivision regulations. The team delivered a set of recommendations focused on detailed revisions for the county to consider to improve its overall approach to wildfire, and included recommendations to update policies in the General Plan to further […]

Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulatory Guidance – Missoula County, Montana
As part of the county’s strategy for implementing its Community Wildfire Protection Plan (adopted in 2018 and prepared by WPI, Wildland Professional Solutions, and the USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station), Missoula County worked with WPI and Wildland Professional Solutions to receive guidance on regulatory updates to its building code, zoning ordinance, and subdivision regulations. Recommendations […]

Land Use Planning & Wildfire Training – Tennessee
WPI, in collaboration with Wildland Professional Solutions, led a one-day training for planners and fire officials in Tennessee. Sponsored by the American Planning Association Tennessee Chapter and hosted by the City of Pigeon Forge Fire Department, this event featured presentations and breakout groups to discuss local wildfire planning challenges across the state. Attendees learned about […]